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Where is DYLAN KAIN made.Updated a year ago

Our DYLAN KAIN leather goods are manufactured in China in carefully selected factories that produce beautiful quality leather goods for high-end brands. 

Our Chinese manufacturers have been producing bags for a large proportion of luxury brands for the past 25 years and developed high-caliber skills. 

We spent some time trying to develop our goods initially in other countries, such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, Australia, Spain, and Portugal however, after seeing the capabilities of the factories, the quality and execution that came out of the Chinese factory were far superior. 

We have a small team of DYLAN KAIN employees located in China, who regularly visit our supply partners to ensure the highest level of quality, and ethical practices are maintained. 

We are proud of the close working relationship we nurture with our suppliers ensuring that all involved are treated fairly and respectfully along the way. They are the spirit and soul of DYLAN KAIN, and we are resolutely committed to protecting all involved in our supply chain. 

We uphold rigorous standards of transparency and traceability with our suppliers, building confidence in their practices, as well as cultivating their confidence in us.

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